Home » Featured Projects » HRD KANDY – eCommerce for a streetwear store
A huge part of the HRD. KANDY business lived in a digital space, and all roads led to the online store. Between the main gateways of social media and e-mail campaigns, we developed marketing and content strategies to pull customers towards the culture, and ultimately to buy from the website.
The website was designed with a heavy emphasis on street culture that centred around the needs of the customer, whilst showcasing clear information about the products. Bringing the brand identity to life digitally relied heavily on well curated photography.
Simply making the logo bigger doesn’t necessarily equal strong brand recognition or presence. Consumers often ignore logos that are simply made bigger and bigger, so a creative solution had to be sought. HRD Kandy looked to make a bold statement with its brand image, and with the garments the put into production.
Producing bespoke content was an ongoing effort as part of our social media strategy. I aimed to produced original content with social influencer and mutual fashion networks.
Pushing products was always the primary consideration when it came to our social presence, while maintaining integrity in the culture. Finding this balance was sometimes a challenge.
Between the store gatweays of social media and e-mail campaigns, all roads led to the eCommerce platform where we sold out product and were able to best represent ourselves within the fashion and street culture worlds.
Our marketing budget wasn’t big so a core feature to our digital presence was content marketing strategy, and the development information magazine which could sit alongside the website.
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