Why customer journey mapping is crucial to your ongoing digital strategy
A customer journey map represents every step of your customer’s journey as a visual representation.
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A customer journey map represents every step of your customer’s journey as a visual representation.
Did you know your customers are willing to spend a price premium of up to 16% for a better experience with your company?
When we talk about ‘human-centred’ design or designing for the ‘end-user’ we cannot assume that there is one standard user type.
What makes a great UX designer? It’s an important question, not just for current and aspiring UX designers, but also for those looking to hire or working with UX designers.
In UX design, storytelling is a powerful technique for UX teams. It creats a compelling narrative arc that places people at the centre of the design. It helps us to visualise how the product can become part of people’s lives and ultimately become part of their reality.
How can your business survive this new digital age? Here are some strategic digital tips that will help your brand survival for the foreseeable future.
How will your personality attract new clients online?
Be familiar with all the different kinds of website categories out there, and get the expert tips you need to build a brilliant website.
Fact: The alignment between digital and business strategies delivers tangible value
When COVID-19 hit the UK in March 2020, social distancing guidelines required “non-essential” businesses to close their doors, which hit the fitness industry especially hard. Gym-goers were no longer able to attend the classes they loved.
For a more in-depth look at your business, sign up for a strategy session.
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